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Fully insulated fans

The entire fan case can be clad with mineral wool (see fig. 1) to reduce the surface temperature of the fan (nevertheless, the fan’s thermal joints are structural parts and cannot be removed) or to reduce propagated noise levels. The semi-rigid panel made of bio soluble mineral wool (in compliance with Note Q of Directive 97/69/EC) is composed of mineral wool obtained by spinning molten natural rock.

This application is always recommended for temperatures above 300°C, it can be useful even at lower temperatures and can be realised with different mineral wool thicknesses: 60mm is the mineral wool thickness in standard insulation types. The following alternative thicknesses can be produced: 80mm - 100mm - 120mm.

* The opening in the insulated fan case is optional. Insulation can be set up on larger fans, but it is the customer’s responsibility to add it at the worksite (see fig. 2).