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Atex Fans

MZ Aspiratori has had its spark-resistant fans inspected by TÜV Italia srl, which, after carrying out the appropriate checks, has issued a Product Certificate. MZ Aspiratori can therefore supply these fans with both the usual Atex certificates, and also a Statement of conformity issued by TÜV Italia srl, acting as an external Certification body.
Atex certified fans are designed and built for use in zones classified as 1/21 and 2/22, and they are suitable for handling inflammable and combustible substances, in compliance with the provisions of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/UE.

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Zones susceptible to gas
Zones susceptible to dust
When the hazard is due to the presence of gas, vapours or mists of flammable substances, the European directive 1999/92/EC envisages a classification in three zones defined as follows:
When the hazard is due to the presence of combustible dust, the European directive 1999/92/EC envisages a classification in three zones defined as follows:
AREA 0 Not possible
AREA 20 Not possible
AREA 1 Fans 2G
AREA 21 Fans 2D
AREA 2 Fans 3G or 2G
AREA 22 Fans 3D or 2D